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Safeguarding Children is a high priority for all who work at Carlton Miniott  Primary Academy. This page will give you access to all the information regarding Safeguarding in school. Mr Crocker is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and any safeguarding concerns should be discussed with him.

The start of the school day
Children should not arrive at school before 8.45am. Teachers will be on duty at both entrance gates and children can be left in their care. 

Layby Drop off
Children may be dropped off in the layby outside school. F/KS1 children who are dropped off in the layby will be looked after by a member of staff and then escorted to their classrooms. KS2 children can walk into school by themselves and go to their classrooms.
Children who are late must be brought to the school office to be registered.

At the end of the school day
Parents/carers of Reception children will collect their child from the Reception classroom. Parents/carers of KS1 children will wait on the KS1 playground. Staff will bring the children out and ensure there is an adult to meet them. KS2 children will come out of the classroom onto the KS2 playground with their teacher and find the person who is collecting them. Any children who find there is no one in the playground to meet them will speak to their teacher who will bring them to the school office 

to wait in the school entrance. If a parent/carer does not arrive a phone call will be made to arrange how the child is getting home. 

When a child is absent from school. 

When your child is ill we ask that you ring the office on the first day of absence to inform us. There will be someone to take your call from about 8am or a message can be left on the answer machine. If we are not informed the School Office staff will ring or text to ensure they know the reason for your child's absence.   

Children that travel on the School Busses.

Sandhutton Bus
This bus is provided by North Yorkshire School Transport and arrangements must be made with them if you wish to travel. A register is taken for these children before they get on the bus. We ask that parents inform us which days their child will be travelling on this service and let us know of any changes to these arrangements. 

Children that attend the Learning Tree out of school provision.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be collected and brought to school by The Learning Tree staff. Any changes to booking arrangements must be made with The Learning Tree and our Office Staff informed. Contact will be made with parents of children who do not turn up for the after-school club where bookings have not been cancelled. 

Children who attend other Nurseries

The Nursery staff will gather in the KS1 playground and the children who are attending these after school provisions will be brought to them.

When a child is missing at the end of the school day.
When a child has not turned up for an after school club or another activity then parents will be rung immediately to find out the whereabouts of the child. 

First Aid
We have a number of Qualified First Aiders in school. Mrs Maher is our main First Aider and will treat any serious cases. If a child requires any treatment then an account will be made of the accident in our accident book. If a child has had a bump to the head then a slip will be put in the child's bag informing parents or carers. If it is felt that the parent/carer should be informed following a more major incident then a phone call will be made home. Following an incident in school,  if there is treatment involving a doctor or the hospital we ask that the School Office is informed.

Medicines in school

School can only give medicines, such as antibiotics, that are prescribed to be taken four times a day. Forms can be downloaded from here and brought to the school office. Children must not keep medicines in their school bag unless they are their personal inhalers. Painkillers cannot be given to children by our staff. The only exception to this is if a child returns to school following an operation and it is recommended by the hospital or GP.

Medicine Form

Health Care Plans

It is important that are staff are clear what to do when emergencies arise with children with medical needs. Therefore in these cases we work closely with parents and health care professionals to put together a health care plan. If you feel that your child requires one of these don't hesitate to contact the school.

Child Protection

Any Child Protection concerns should be directed to Mr Crocker who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead in school or Mrs Amesbury, who is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead.  Mr Crocker may then pass this concern onto the Social Care Team who will decide on the appropriate action to take. Parents will be informed of this process unless it is felt that this information may put a child in danger.

Internet Safety

Every class is taught about internet safety as part of the curriculum. Each child will sign an agreement on safe use of the internet which you can view below.

KS1 Agreement                   KS2 Agreement



.Please find below some useful websites that will give you more information about keeping your child safe online.



Safer internet

North Yorkshire  Local Children Safeguarding Board

CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection