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  1. News
  2. Yrs 5/6 Trip to the Farne Islands

Yrs 5/6 Trip to the Farne Islands

22 October 2021 (by admin)

The pupils and some parents took the long trip to Seahouses by coach and then travelled out to the Islands on a boat where they learnt about Grace Darling and observed the wildlife on and around these famous islands. 

Before half-term the Yr5/6 children visited the Farne Islands.

We took the long trip to Seahouses by coach and then travelled out to the Islands on a boat where we learnt about Grace Darling and observed the wildlife on and around these famous islands.  We were very lucky and saw many different birds and seals, including their pups. 

 After lunch on the beach we walked along the beach to search for fossils.                                         

We absolutely loved our learning last half term all about the Galapagos Islands including the different species and plants that live there, the geography of the islands and Charles Darwin. 

 We are now looking forward to our new topic - Ancient Egyptians!