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  1. News
  2. Year 4 East Barnby Residential Visit - Weds 3rd to Fri 5th May

Year 4 East Barnby Residential Visit - Weds 3rd to Fri 5th May

5 May 2023 (by admin)

The Year 4 Residential Visit to East Barnby was enjoyed by all the children. They were all fantastic and worked so well to help each other in all the different outdoor activities they took part in.

This week the Y4 children have been away at East Barnby.  They have canoed down the river Esk and slid down a weir, which they loved.  They have found sea creatures on the beach, such as a scorpion fish.  They have built their own town out of logs and made their own fires.  They have also climbed and skied. 

The children have been fantastic and worked so well to help each other.