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  1. News
  2. Year 3 Roseberry Topping Walk - May '24

Year 3 Roseberry Topping Walk - May '24

16 May 2024 (by admin)

Class 3 became mini mountaineers walking up Roseberry Topping and raising sponsorship money for Cleveland Mountain rescue.

Before half-term Class 3 became mini mountaineers. It may have been a very foggy day, but all these determined climbers reached the top of Roseberry Topping.
As part of our Geography class work, we took some temperature readings at different locations and looked at what was growing along our route.  We were able to compare the base to the summit of the mini mountain.
Thank you to all the grown-ups who joined us on our adventure and thank you for supporting our charity, Cleveland Mountain Rescue, with your sponsorship money.