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  1. News
  2. Year 5 Visit to York Museum Gardens - June '24

Year 5 Visit to York Museum Gardens - June '24

6 June 2024 (by admin)

Year 5 went on a trip to the Yorkshire Museum in York to take part in a 'Time Odyssey' workshop.  This was a free, interactive learning experience that we were lucky to have been selected for as a trial school. The children really enjoyed the experience.

On Thursday, 6th June, Year 5 went on a trip to the Yorkshire Museum in York to take part in a 'Time Odyssey' workshop.  This was a free, interactive learning experience that we were lucky to have been selected for as a trial school.  In fact, we were only the third school to have taken part!  Pupils worked in pairs using tablets, provided by the museum, to meet characters from history and tackle tricky challenges. 

Whilst doing so, we explored some of the amazing Roman and Medieval artefacts at the Yorkshire Museum, including the    Middleham Jewel which is worth millions!

The children really enjoyed the experience and were really enthusiastic answering some tricky questions.  Thank you to our parent helpers (Mrs Adams and Ms Russell) and York Museum Trust for inviting us to take part.