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  1. News
  2. Thirsk Big Summer Sing - July '24

Thirsk Big Summer Sing - July '24

2 July 2024 (by admin)

Thank you and congratulations to the Year 4 children on their amazing singing performance at the "Thirsk Big Summer Sing", at Thirsk High School, which was organised by Mrs Wilford. 

Thank you and congratulations to the Year 4 children on their amazing singing performance at the "Thirsk Big Summer Sing", which was organised by Mrs Wilford.  We have had some lovely feedback about the children in terms of their behaviour and how they represented the school - we are really proud of them!  They sang their hearts out and all their hard work in lessons paid off.  What stars they were!

Thank you for your support in making it happen.

Music Reports for this year can be viewed on our website in the Music  section under the Curriculum heading.