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  1. News
  2. Year 5 Visit to Recycling Centre

Year 5 Visit to Recycling Centre

7 February 2025 (by admin)

Year 5 visited Allerton Park Recycling Centre as part of our Geography topic on sustainability. We had a tour of the facility and looked at how household waste from North Yorkshire is sorted and used to generate electricity. 

Year 5 visited Allerton Park Recycling Centre as part of our Geography topic on sustainability. We had a tour of the facility and looked at how household waste from North Yorkshire is sorted and used to generate electricity.  At the site, waste food is put in an anaerobic digestor which produces gas. The gas is then used to generate electricity. Waste is also burned to produce energy.

We also had a talk on food waste and made our own mini compost container complete with its own pair of worms to take home! We even made our own fruit smoothies using power generated from a bike!  We learnt lots to help increase our knowledge of
the subject.

Many thanks to Mrs Byrne and Mrs Morgan who helped us on the trip.