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Carlton Miniott Primary Academy News

The latest news stories from Carlton Miniott Primary Academy.


News Stories

  • Well Done - Sporting Achievements
    Gymnastics, Cross Country and Hockey successes.
  • Y6 visit to the Houses of Parliament
    The Y6 children spent a day at the Houses of Parliament. They had the opportunity to meet with their local MP and ask him questions.
  • Music for Life
    A Jazz Trio came into school to play for the children. They were very impressed with how musical Carlton Miniott children are.
  • Great Fire of London
    The Y1 and Y2 children have been building houses in their Great Fire of London Topic. They set Fire to these in the playground to recreate the event and then the Fire Brigade came and talked to them about staying safe.
  • Gymnastics Team win the Thirsk Schools Competition
    Our two gymnastics teams showed how good they were with gold and silver medal placings at the Thirsk Schools Competition. Our KS1 team will now go onto represent Thirsk at the Hambleton Competition.
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